
An author on Episode Interactive

I'm a girl who dreams. Who has walked through the wardrobe, recieved the letter, walked thought the plains of Mordor and gone throught time and places. A girl who now wants to share with you her passion of writing.

⇣ Check out my stories below ⇣

"Tell the story that's been growing in your heart, the characters you can't keep out of your head, the tale story that speaks to you, that pops into your head during your daily commute, that wakes you up in the morning."
Jennifer Weiner

Stories that Archangel has written



A cunning detective and an evasive criminal cross paths and together they realize that flying too close to the sun might be their greatest downfall.

  • Ongoing

  • Thriller/sci-fi/mystery

  • Choices matter

  • Multiple endings

  • Limited customization


What kind of genres do you write?
ICARUS is a thriller/sci-fi/mystery with hints of horror and romance. My next story will be a fantasy.

How often do you update?
I have a schedule of releasing about 1-2 weeks.

Will ICARUS have multiple endings?

How many episodes will ICARUS have?
I'm aiming towards 20-25 episodes.

Is ICARUS your first story?
It is. But I've been working on it for years and started writing it in January 2021.

Is there any romance in your stories?
There is, but not always in the old fashionable way. Romance for me has to come naturally. It has to evolve and not just be about love at first sight. Relationships and feelings are more complicated than that.

Do you plan on writing more stories?
Of course! My dream has always been to become an author. The next story will be entirely different from ICARUS.

How many stories do you have?
At the moment, just one.

How old are you?
23 going 24.